We Sell Coins and Bullion

At Showcase Jewelers of Hays, we sell collectible coinage and rare bullion at the most competitive prices found in all of Northwest, KS. You will find us EXTREMELY competitive even against internet pricing! We always try to have a great selection of these items, but the availability truly ebbs and flows with the markets. You can make an appointment with Eric to discuss your purchasing strategies or stop in the store to look at our competitively priced selection.

We Buy Coins and Bullion

The experience and trust built over the last 30 years has made Showcase Jewelers of Hays, Inc. the most noted buyer of precious jewelry, coins and bullion in the area. We pride ourselves on offering the most competitive prices for coins, bullion, jewelry, diamonds, antique watches, and paper money in the area! When you come to Showcase we’ll examine and evaluate your articles to determine its accurate value, and after which we will quote you a fair price according to prevailing market rates! We always maintain a friendly environment in the store and will NEVER pressure you to sell your coins, bullion, or other precious articles to us, you only sell if you’re comfortable! Please call for an appointment or visit us with any questions at our store located in Hays, KS.

Gold Bullion
Collectible Coins
Silver Collectible Coins
Silver Bullion
Paper Money
Other Precious Metals
Gold Coins Available
Gold Coins Sold
Silver Foreign Coins